historyy , nt yet memorise . on e verge of givingg up on myy studies . did'nt reallyy noe how to do e whole mths last years midyear year papers . ahaha . tomoro , tot of asking mrs leongg to teach me . plans for tomoro ? ermm .. studyy e whole dayy . i can do it . just for this year .
Aniwaes yesterdayy , dad's bdayy . didnt celebrate that much . he was stickingg with hys Girlfren . ermm . den , kinda fought with hym . actingg cold towards hym was nt a great idea i guess? ermm . sorryy dad i reallyy did'nt mean it . i miss u loads . for e past few dayys didn't really tok much with u . beingg rude to u is a common ting nw . im sorryy . i really love .

Everitinggs fallingg apart .