Monday, March 1, 2010



17 atlast ! mature enough ? nope nt yet . ahaaha . aniways , my sis was kinda sweet . she brought me to causewayy 1 dayy before my bdayy . to celebrate my bdayy in advanced . we went der to watch e YOG tingyy . ahaha . our sch was der . so was her bf . ahaha . it was fun . met again with e irritating brat , fikri . ahaha sis's fren . damn he talk so loud . bt okay cn gt along pretty well . after about 3 hours , went for a drink . sis and i was freaking loud . we were e noisiest ones der . we hang out till so late at nyte . went home dad was stil nt at home .

wait til 12 am for dad . ahaha . received a lot of msgs . cik ema was e first one to wish me . den dad and sis . damn theyy were so noisyy . they were shouting , singing so loud . glad e neighbours were okayy .

e next dayy , dad bought me a birthdayy cake . he lied to me just to go to e shop . ahaha . we ate everiting . full , den we bath . ahaha . den , met sweets under my bloc . he gave me a flower with teddy bear on it and a puzzle . ahaha . we solved e puzzle on e spot and it ended up into a heart shape puzzle . cute . ;) thks .

at nyte , went ys . yup , another cake . ahaha . 2 cakes . 1 frm my grandma and another frm my aunt . ahaa . ssooo , we spend e whole nyte eating again . e greatest gift of ol , my fat stomach .! lols .

* btw , gt rejected for e DAE tingyy at for temasek . nw waiting for Nanyang . jiayou !