Saturday, April 10, 2010

laptop !

boo !

yyeahh ! new laptop plus++++ blue colour-ed lil mouse ! dad looked so stress . he went in e room , looking soo gloomyy and moodyy . probablyy bcoz e laptop was super expensive . haiyaaa . love you and thkyou dad . promise i will studyy hard . aniwaes , false alarm , sch starts on wed . orientation for HSS students . soo yyeah , ketot helped me out , email-ed e sch myy registration for e orientation . and theyyy replied :
Dear Nur amalina Bte Yasiri , thank you for your prompt response . You are in samppa(empire) , and rachel Tay and Zack Yeo will be your HGL. Please remember to bring $10 for orientation fees , a torchlight and a random item on the first day of the orientation !

We look forward to seeing you !;D

Regards . HSS Freshmen Orientation Committee

ahaha . yyaa im in e rubbish grp . ahaha . thks . ahaha . bt cant wait !  im worried bout e timing tho . sch ends at 6pm on wed, god noes wadd tym i'll be home . tampines , no str bus frm bukit panjang . haiyaaa . conferm dad will start nagging at me . hmmmm nvm laaaaaaa . anything laaaaa .

fri , dint mt iqah . she laaa , ahaha . ended up being separated . she went marina sq with sotong . so i decided to go amk with ketot .  planned to eat . Popeye ...... confident . gt lost . cant rmmbr wher is it . sooo yaaaa . we went to explore e whole amkhub . culdnt find it aniwher IN e amkhub . ahaha . so sotong . i noe . its ketot's idea . lols . den he koled hys frens . bt still ..... we culdnt find e place . soooo i koled Iqah . did gt some of e directions ryte . den we're on our own . he remembered e place atlast , abt 10mins we reached e bloodyy place . ahaha . yaaa we reached der to find out dat no seats were available for us . packed with ppl . ahaha . ketot wanted to wait . so we waited and waited ..... no luck . aahaha . it was freaking hilarious . we were lyk 2 pathetic fools waiting dwn der , ahaha . sooo den we gaveup . ended up in Mac , near e park . otw der we saw eiffel and ah boi . bck again . ahaha . mis both of dem actuallyy . ahaha those tyms with Hafidz , Ahboi and eiffel . ahaha . okkayy . sooo yaaa . reached , he ordered MacSpicyy for hymself and Cheeseburger for me . he was playing with hys food ol e wayy , childish . ahaha . ppl were looking at us , some were laughing , nt sure if he realised . ahaha bt i dont really care . it was fun and at e same tym irritating . in a gd wayy .

 ahaaha soo yaa den , after eating , we went to e bustop . we missed abt 4 to 5 buses . thks to ketot . he was being too choosyy and sillyy . too manyy ppl , no seat . haiyaaa .. lols . sooo arnd 11 we arrived to ys . fetch sis frm mom's place with ketot den off to interchg again . as usual , ketot irritates sis , sis irritates ketot . ahaha soo yaa , i was superr tired , so i dont bother .  overall ...... it was superr2 fun . bt miss iqah too . haish . kaay went home arnd 11+pm . thks ketot  :


* i miss you .