boo ~
as you can see im stuck at home .
i donoe wadd i did for e past few days .
i spent e whole dayy eating i guess ?
ahaha ,, kaaay no , i did went to my grandma's hse .
went for jamming with my uncle and sis ,
practising for Busu's wedding .
we're better now .
mom book-ed me and sis earlier . lols .
she told us shes bringing us to escape this coming week .
she said , to relax and spent some tym with us .
im looking forward for it .
its been some tym we hadnt spent tym with each other .
i noe im being such a kiddo buutttt ........
zul is coming back tomoro !
atlast . lols .
miss hym a lot nw .
yesterday ,waited for hym to online .
till arnd 1+ am .
god i was super happy .
he called me ..
just for a lil while .
im a happier person nw , really .
and i love him a lot .
nt sure why and how i can really love hym like e way i love zulfikar .
i noe its impossible at first ,
bt i guess anything can happen hah ?
aniways , yanti told me this guy ATLAST
asked her to be hys gf !
yyeaaaaaaah !
she was very happy when she told me that .
lols .
im happy for her .
bt she told me ders this girl kept texting hym .
wouldnt want to make her think negatively ,
told her probably shes just a friend .
told her nt to rush , give hym sometym .
if really hes sincere and truthful to her and reallyy loves her
he will wait .
if he dares to hurt her , im KILLING hym !
lols .
me , ana , humaira and luqman will rescue her frm e evil ass !
amalina e HIDUNG BABI monster .
ana e ALIEN -FACED monster .
humaira e KOTAK monster .
aaanddd ....
luqman e KUDE LAUT HAIRY monster !

btw , bazlee apologised . lols . he did nth wrong . silly guy .
confused . we barely talk with each other nw . nt sure why .
;) tc baz .
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